
Save up to 8%
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From 32,90 30,17
1 Refill (30,17 per Refill)
The slow roasting of the coffee and the composition of Arabica beans from Central and South America give this blend a delicious, mild and round taste with a slightly tangy character. The mild taste character of Douwe Egberts Espresso Medium makes it a highly sought-after espresso blend. This...
CaffeineYes CompatibleBeans
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1 bag (17,79 per bag)
Peruvian Swiss Water Decaf The Peruvian Swiss Water Decaf coffee beans are freed from caffeine using the Swiss Water Process, without losing any flavor. And that is noticeable! These decaf coffee beans offer a full and creamy coffee with hints of chocolate and nuts. Ideal for anyone who...
CaffeineNo Country of originPeru
Save up to 17%
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From 12,20 10,12
20 Machine (0,51 per Machine)
With Douwe Egberts L'Or Espresso capsules, we offer you a delicious espresso coffee of the highest quality. Douwe Egberts L'Or Espresso offers a true espresso sensation. The coffee experts have created the most beautiful blends of 100% Arabica coffee. These blends are known for their intense,...
CompatibleNespresso Strength11
Save 15%
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From 34,07 28,99
1 package (28,99 per package)
Brazil Prove e Viva The coffee beans of Prove e Viva are, of course, from Brazil. This Single Origin comes from the coffee plantations of the Rossi family. - Rossi? That sounds very Italian - Correct! Alberto Rossi, descendant of Italian immigrants, was the founder of this 440-hectare coffee...
CaffeineYes Servings48
In stock
1 Bag (12,56 per Bag)
Segafredo Caffè Crema Classico coffee beans are a true treat for the senses, a perfect choice for the true coffee connoisseur. These beans are carefully medium/dark roasted to create a full body and a rich, chocolatey flavor that transforms your mornings into a moment of pure delight. Whether...
CaffeineYes Strength8
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36 Pads (0,26 per Pads)
Douwe Egberts coffee pads for the Senseo machine. A delicious fresh cup of coffee within one minute. Senseo is pure coffee, nothing more, nothing less. Each pad contains 50 high-quality coffee beans that are perfectly roasted and ground for an optimal taste experience. The mix of coffee...
CaffeineNo Strength7
Save up to 7%
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From 7,59 8,34
1 Package (7,08 per Package)
Complete your day with the rich and full flavor of Senseo Decaf coffee pods. Whether you're an early bird or a night owl, this caffeine-free coffee is the perfect choice for any time of day. Enjoy the harmonious balance between the soft crema layer and the deep flavor that makes every sip a pure...
CaffeineNo Strength5
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1 g (0,00 per 0 g)
Espresso Dark - a popular, robust and flavorful blend made from 100% Arabica beans sourced from Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, and Indonesia. It is Rainforest Alliance certified, CO2 neutral roasted, and packaged in 100% recyclable monofilm.
CaffeineYes CompatibleBeans
In stock
1 bag (31,79 per bag)
This Brazilian top coffee comes from the coffee plantation of the Rossi family. - Rossi? That sounds very Italian - Correct! Alberto Rossi, descendant of Italian immigrants, was the founder of this 440-hectare coffee plantation. His grandsons, Jeferson Júnior and Luis Alberto, have now taken...
CaffeineYes Country of originBrazil
Save 9%
In stock
From 9,90 9,00
10 Capsules (0,00 per 0 Capsules)
100% specialty arabica, light roasted single origin coffee capsules with notes of chocolate, plum, and red berry jam. Made from Ethiopian beans grown at an elevation of 1890-2230m and processed for 48 hours.
CaffeineYes Country of originEthiopia
Out of stock
1 bag (11,29 per bag)
Peruvian Swiss Water Decaf The Peruvian Swiss Water Decaf coffee beans are freed from caffeine using the Swiss Water Process, without losing any flavor. And that is noticeable! These decaf coffee beans offer a full and creamy coffee with hints of chocolate and nuts. Ideal for anyone who...
CaffeineNo Country of originPeru
In stock
From 36,00 35,95
1 bag (0,00 per 0 bag)
Colombian coffee from Belalcazar, Caldas, San Rafael with a low acidity. It has flavors of citrus, honey, and chocolate.
CaffeineYes Country of originColombia
Save 10%
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From 14,49 12,99
1 Bag (0,00 per 0 Bag)
The Eco Roast is a coffee that is organically grown. A rich, aromatic coffee achieved through balanced roasting. Medium Roast, not too dark. Truly something special in your cup.
CaffeineYes Country of originCosta Rica
Save up to 17%
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From 12,20 10,12
20 Machine (0,51 per Machine)
With Douwe Egberts L'Or Espresso capsules, we offer you a delicious espresso coffee of the highest quality. These capsules can be used in Nespresso coffee machines. Douwe Egberts L'Or Espresso offers a true espresso sensation. The coffee experts have created the most beautiful blends of...
CompatibleNespresso Strength10
Out of stock
1 bag (29,19 per bag)
Peruvian Swiss Water Decaf The Peruvian Swiss Water Decaf coffee beans are freed from caffeine using the Swiss Water Process, without losing any flavor. And that is noticeable! These decaf coffee beans offer a full and creamy coffee with hints of chocolate and nuts. Ideal for anyone who...
CaffeineNo Country of originPeru
Don't let the evening hours be synonymous with sleepless nights with Caffè Vergnano 1882 Decaffeinato Espresso. These coffee beans are a true treat for the senses, with a rich and fragrant character that will delight even the most demanding coffee connoisseur. Without the restlessness of...
CaffeineNo Country of originCentral & South America
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Save 23%
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From 18,90 14,50
1 doos (14,50 per doos)
CaffeineYes Servings50
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In stock
From 18,90 14,50
1 doos (14,50 per doos)
CaffeineYes Servings50
Save 23%
In stock
From 18,90 14,50
1 doos (14,50 per doos)
CaffeineNo Servings50
Save 6%
In stock
From 16,70 15,75
1 bag (15,75 per bag)
CaffeineYes Strength7
Save 8%
In stock
From 16,70 15,42
1 bag (15,42 per bag)
CaffeineYes Strength9