May 15th 2024: 'Coffee on Your Shirt' day


It's happened to all of us, at least once in our lives: Coffee on your fresh white shirt. Just ironed or – even worse – brand new, straight out of the package. And with a bit of bad luck, you'll spill your coffee just before that job interview. Or in the morning, in the car, on your way to work (because you couldn't find the windshield-wiper button). 

Then what do you? Drive back home, change shirts? Or spend the day dodging stares and explaining what a klutz you are? But hey, let's be honest, it's not the end of the world. Maybe it'll give you a good story to tell. We've even heard stories of romances starting over coffee-stain-stories.

To make your little stroke of bad luck a bit more fun, Fête du Café (Coffee Marketplace) is introducing the 'Coffee on Your Shirt' Day. 

May 15th 2024: 'Coffee on Your Shirt' Day

Well, maybe, it's the "Coffee on Your Shirt" weeks. If you accidentally spill that delicious espresso on your white (or blue) shirt in the weeks leading up to May 15th, we're here to make your day a little brighter. Not just with good coffee, but also with a clean shirt. Just send us your receipt, and we'll pay the dry cleaner. After all, we love to see you with a smile on your face.

You spill, we pay for your dry cleaning!

All you have to do is take a photo (selfie) and upload it and we'll take care of you. If you send us the receipt from the dry cleaner, we'll foot the bill.

A brand new Illy Iperespresso Y3.3 coffee machine for the luckiest stain

On Wednesday, May 15th 2024, we'll pick a lucky girl or guy, from all the coffee spillers & stainers, that shared the best, luckiest or funniest photo. We'll turn you into the fortunate one. Because we're giving away a brand new illy Iperespresso machine. Including a dozen of those mouth-watering illy Iperespresso capsules, of course. 

Follow us on and tag your post with #coffeeonyourshirt. You can also upload your photo here. Who knows, maybe you'll soon be spilling the most delicious Illy coffee on your white shirt.

And don't forget, if you need coffee, then you're in the right place. You'll find the perfect coffee beans and coffee capsules right here on Fête du Café. 

Upload your story & photo


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