
We registered the domain name: Koffiemarktplaats.nl recently. It was occupied last year and suddenly became available.
When we started Fête du Café – a Marketplace for Coffee – we of course checked if Koffiemarktplaats.nl was available. But, yep, it was registered at that time. I was a bit disappointed back then because Koffiemarktplaats.nl perfectly encapsulates what we do. Easy to spell, easy to remember.
So, about a year ago, I opted for www.feteducafe.com. Translated, it means: The festival of coffee.
Another advantage: the .com extension allows us to sell coffee outside the Netherlands too. By now, we are visible everywhere with Fête du Café, on Google, Social Media, magazines, etc. And honestly, I am quite satisfied with it.
The opinions of customers, partners, and friends are divided. Fête du Café sounds classy, whereas Koffiemarktplaats.nl is convenient.
To keep it clear, we'll continue to be called Fête du Café. If you feel like surfing Koffiemarktplaats.nl, you'll still end up with us.
Oh, by the way, we also registered Koffiemarktplaats.be and Kaffeemarktplatz.de. You can never have too many.
Enjoy your cup today!
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