October 1st - International Coffee Day 2023


On this day - every October 1st - we're celebrating International Coffee Day. It's the day when coffee enthusiasts from all around the world come together to share their love for coffee. This special coffee day dates back to 1983 when the International Coffee Organization (ICO) came up with the idea to dedicate October 1st to coffee. A great chance to showcase how important coffee is to the world, not just as a beverage but also as a global commodity and a part of our culture.

And - of course - at Fête du Café, we certainly join in the fun! Actually, every day is coffee day as far as we're concerned. Because we're crazy about the liquid gold that kick-starts our day. Whether you're a fan of a simple cup of black coffee or enjoy experimenting with trendy coffee creations, on October 1st, we raise our coffee cups together. It's the perfect excuse to unleash your inner barista and savor the versatility of coffee, from creamy lattes to powerful espressos. Let's revel in the magic of coffee and remember that coffee isn't just a beverage; it's a friend always ready to make your day a bit better. So here's to you, here's to coffee! ☕


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