Product Specifications & Guidelines

We mean business, so we want to deliver a significant contribution to your success. We do so by creating the best user-experience possible for customers. That's why we aim for perfect product-information, up-to-date stock-levels and fair pricing. Product offering based on a competitive price, with high-quality product-data, sell more. It’s really that simple. We’ve set up a list of Do’s and Don’ts when uploading & configuring your products. Please read and follow our guidelines.


Fête du Café only offers fair-prices to customers, meaning you have to sell your product on Fête du Café for the same (or less) price as you offer on your own webshop or other stores. You can set-up Quantity Discounts in your Vendor portal promoting bulk-sales of your products.

Shipping Costs

Instead of charging shipping costs, calculate your shipping costs in the sales price. Vendors without shipping costs sell more. You could consider setting a minimum buying-quantity to cover for the shipping expense.

Product Specifications

Each products has a set of common & specific fields. The specific fields vary for each product category.

Field <XML-NODE> Type Description Example
Vendor Identifier
* vendor varchar Unique Vendor ID Pizolato
Category Fields
* category varchar Fête du Café Category coffee///coffee capsules
Common Identifiers
* code varchar Unique Vendor Code FDC000050
EAN varchar European Article Number 7613287418890
MPB varchar Manufacturer Part Number 8003753186412
GTIN varchar Global Trade Item Number 12345678900
Common Fields
* language varchar Language codes: ISO 639-1 EN
* title varchar Product Title
Enclose in <![CDATA[ ]]>
<![CDATA[ Starbucks - Long House Blend ]]>
* description varchar Description of product.
Allowed: <P>, <UL>, <LI>, <STRONG>
Enclose in <![CDATA[ ]]>
<![CDATA[ The modern "to-go" coffee as we know it. This is for the coffee-lover. ]]>
* image_link varchar URL of the image.
Allowed: JPG, WEBP, PNG
Common Price & Stock Fields
* price integer Price of product per unit 3.80
* list_price integer Suggested (from) price 5.10
* taxes varchar High, Low, Zero 9%
* free_shipping boolean Values: Yes, No No
* unit_name enum Values: Piece, Unit, Capsules, Bag, Machine, Package 10
* units_in_product integer Number of units in the product/package 10
* quantity integer Current stock-level of Vendor 124
* available enum Values: A (Active) · D (Disabled) · H (Hidden) A
condition varchar Condition of product. Values: New, Used New
Common Fields
* brand varchar Starbucks
compatible enum Values: Beans, Drink, Ground, Instant, Dolce Gusto, Illy, L'OR, Nespresso, Nespresso Pro, Senseo, Vertuo Nespresso
weight varchar The netto-weight of the product. Mostly applicable for Beans and Ground coffee 250 grams
dimensions varchar The dimension of the product 16.5 x 30 x 17.5 cm
Coffee Consumables Fields
caffeine boolean Values: Yes, No Yes
country_of_origin varchar Name of country in English Brasil
ingredients varchar 100% Arabica Coffee beans
roast enum Values: Extra Light Roast, Light Roast, Medium Light Roast, Medium Roast, Medium Dark Roast, Dark Roast, Extra Dark Roast Medium Roast
sca_score varchar Coffee grade is detailed by the Specialty Coffee Association 82
servings varchar Number of servings. For 10 capsules this would be 10. For 250 grams of beans it would be approximately 16 10
strength varchar Coffee strength on a scale from 1 to 10. Values: 1 - 10 8
taste varchar Description of Taste Nuts, Caramel, Sweetness
Coffee Machines Fields
adjustable_strength boolean Values: Yes, No Yes
adjustable_temperature boolean Values: Yes, No Yes
adjustable_volume boolean Values: Yes, No Yes
milk_frother enum Values: Yes, No, Optional No
cups_in_container integer 12
cups_per_cycle integer 1
energy_label varchar A
noise_level varchar 96 db
power varchar 230 volt
pump_pressure varchar 19 bar
water_reservoir varchar 0.75 liter
Coffee Fields
material enum Values: Bamboo, Fabric, Glass, Metal, Paper, Plastic, Porcelain, Steel, Wood Plastic
volume varchar Volume of reservoir, tank, cup, etc. 0.5 liter
color enum Values: Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Ivory, Orange, Red, Stainless Steel, Stainless Steel - Black, Stainless Steel - Brushed Black
size enum Values: X Small, Small, Medium, Large, X Large, XX Large Medium

* Required

Examples & References
Do's - Specifications
  • Use clear, descriptive product titles.
  • The short description should be at least 500 characters
  • Feature fields (specifications like: color, brand, strength, etc.) are mandatory.
  • Add reliable information over packaging and content details.
  • You're adding your products in English.
  • Update your product-stock daily.
Do's - Images
  • Each product is required to have at least one unique product-image.
  • The first product-image is a package-shot. The front-side of your product package.
  • We recommend adding multiple product-images to each product. It’s been proven that products with multiple images sell better.
  • Product-images are square and at least 720 x 720 pixels.
Don'ts - Specifications & Images
  • Do not refer to discounts, guarantees, "sales phrases" or other products.
  • Do not include URLs to your own or other websites.
  • Do not infringe the rights of third parties, including but not limited to intellectual property rights such as trademark and copyright.
  • Description are not offensive or biased.
  • Images do not contain discount labels, watermarks, company names and/or company logos.

We consider products ‘underperforming’ if they do not meet our standard as described. To guarantee a high-quality and fair offering on Fête du Café we reserve the right to cancel and/or remove products that do not meet the minimum requirements.

  • The product information & description does not meet minimum standards as described.;
  • The product stock and/or delivery is not reliable.
  • The product price is higher then you offer on your website/outlet.
  • The product price is not compatible with average market-prices.